We love to see our shoes and boots on social media and sometimes we may ask to share these pictures/videos on our own channels. The images are mainly published on the respective product page on our website to give other customers a feel for how they look and are used in the outdoors. In some cases they may also be published in some of our other channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and Newsletter.
By responding to our inquiry with the hashtag #yesalfasko you agree to the following terms:
You grant Alfa Sko AS an uncompensated, international right to use all images to which you have replied #yesalfasko, in marketing and advertising: which includes but is not limited to Alfa Sko AS websites, social media, newsletters, print advertising, store materials, and other communications.
By responding to our inquiry with the hashtag #yesalfasko you agree to the following terms:
You grant Alfa Sko AS an uncompensated, international right to use all images to which you have replied #yesalfasko, in marketing and advertising: which includes but is not limited to Alfa Sko AS websites, social media, newsletters, print advertising, store materials, and other communications.
- You warrant that Alfa Sko AS's use does not infringe the rights of any third party or violate any laws.
- You grant Alfa Sko AS the right to edit all or part of your original text for the image.
- If you are under the age of 18, you certify that you have the consent of your target audience.
- You release Alfa Sko AS and any person acting on behalf of Alfa Sko AS from any obligation to pay you, or anyone else, for the use of your images to which you responded #yesalfasko, and for the intellectual property rights associated with the uses described above.
- If you change your mind and subsequently wish to have your image removed from our social media or website, please contact us by email and we will arrange for your content to be removed.