Alfa seeking GORE-TEX insigths

Do you know how the GORE-TEX membrane can be both waterproof and breathable - at the same time? And how we can use this amazing membrane to make both mountain boots, hunting boots and ski boots waterproof?
The GORE-TEX film has microscopic pores - 20,000 times smaller than a drop of water but still 500 times larger than water vapor. This allows moisture and sweat to pass through from the inside out, yet does not let water drops in. In this way, the membrane is completely waterproof, but permeable to moisture.
As one of the shoe manufacturers with the world's longest history of GORE-TEX membrane in our shoes, we have a good knowledge of the functionality and many of the possibilities of using the the GORE-TEX membrane in shoes. In order to continue creating comfortable quality shoes, we always want to work closely with the manufacturers, give feedback directly and get the latest knowledge. And that's exactly what we got when all the ALFA employees traveled to Gothenburg for GORE's theoretical courses and practical training.

In order to really explore the GORE-TEX features, practical testing is necessary. A real test of whether GORE-TEX® is really waterproof and breathable came when we put on GORE-TEX dry suits and jumped in the Kattegatt sea outside of Gothenburg a late autumn night. The temperature showed 15° in the air. The water temperature we do not want to know, but dry and comfortable we were.
That a waterproof material simultaneously can be breathable, can challange any logic. We really had to test this in several ways, and all the tests made it clear that the GORE-TEX membrane was both breathable and waterproof.

After a couple of truly interesting days at GORE, everybody at ALFA is now full of inspiration to continue developing watherproof and breathable shoes that gives you a better outdoor experience for many years to come.