Elias and Kajsa

Published 15th of august 2022, last updated 20th of october 2022

Elias Kleve Hoff (25) and Kajsa Lian Spanic (24)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EliasKajsa

Elias and Kajsa are Norwegian travelers who are full-time content
producers, both domestically and internationally. By documenting all their
travels, the past three years have been filled with new adventures they never
could have expected.

Between travels to tropical lands and mountain trips in Norway, they
manage their own production company Promo Media AS, where they work with
clients throughout Norway and deliver film and photo content.

After 2-3 years as students, they found out they needed to craft their
own route and explore the world, and since they made that choice, they haven’t
looked back. Learn more about them here …

Where in the world are you?

We are often travelling. In the car on the way to a new destination or
new mountain. In a plane enroute to an idyllic island in Asia. We have a big
love of the Norwegian summer and international trips in the winter. With our
base in Oslo, our time in the city is usually on the way to or from a new
meeting or to an exciting event. To answer, we don’t always know where we are!

How would you describe yourselves?

We are two young, creative and enthusiastic people who are focused on
the goals we set ourselves. We are, in general, very spontaneous as well as structured planners.

How would your friends describe you?

An energetic and creative pair who mix life their relationship and

Do you have role models?

We have a few people throughout the years
who have inspired and motivated us to start living our current lifestyle. There
are a few extremely creative influencers out there who have done what we want
to do, only in our own way. Our role models have usually changed in step with our own development, with easy access to new and creative input - so there has always
been something that has boosted our creativity.

Your soundtrack?

Ahhh, we sit a lot in the car and music is therefore important to us.
We have a lot of variation and can listen to everything from 70’s tunes to
Taylor Swift classics to club beats when we need to wake up. Almost anything
that captures us in the car on a summer day trip to a new place will soon
become a part of our broad repertoire.

What activities are you interested in?

Kajsa played handball for 15 years but stopped in
2020. Elias studied outdoor life and has had an active past outdoors and with some
sports. It was after we had finished with active sport life, we went full
throttle with the lifestyle we live now - where the year consists of many
travel days and production days. We are passionate about an active everyday
life and if we are not in the mountains and nature, we are either on a work
assignment, or at a training center and the running track.

Summer or winter?

Always summer. Preferably all the time. Winter in Norway takes us abroad as often as possible.

Where can we find you right now?

Planted in the car on the way to Stavanger for a work project, and
we’re deep in conversation about the summer’s travel plans and film projects.

What are your best qualities on a trip?

We are careful planners and always prepare ourselves well. With a lot of
technical equipment, we have to pack smartly on trips.  Elias likes to know what challenges we will face, so the pre-work is demanding. Otherwise we would say mood and attitude when things don’t go as planned are qualities we master well.

and the worst?

At times it’s hard to prioritise place in the rucksack – camera and
equipment vs. everything else. We are concerned about taking enough water with
us and have also been a bit hangry at times … haha.

Are there any trips you remember fondly?

Elias has experienced several trips through the outdoor life study and there are of course some of them that stick well in the memory -
but we want to mention one trip we went on together: Kråktindan in Steigen.
Steigen is a hidden gem in northern Norway and there were generally very few people when we were there. We googled our way to this peak and learned from the locals that this hike was extremely nice. We used around 10 hours and met only three people throughout the hike. With little information online and difficult markings, we finally made it to the top and it was a wonderful feeling to sit there all alone with this view. It was 30 degrees, cloudless and windless. We enjoyed almost two long hours at the top before heading down - which is why the
trip took us so long. We finished with a swim at Brennviksanden at sunset at 22 in the evening. Recommended!

Do you have a favourite destination?

Norway: Lofoten in the midnight sun on a beautiful summer day without

Abroad: Indonesia with Bali as a base. A paradise of islands just
waiting to be explored.

Do you have a funny story to share from a trip, or are they mostly pain-free?

Mannen in Lofoten. It's probably not exactly funny - but
we were in Lofoten in March 2021 and at this time there are four seasons in one
day. It is therefore extremely difficult to predict which day is best in terms
of the weather. The day we went up Mannen was no exception and already on the ascent the weather changed from cloudless to blizzard in 5 minutes. We got to the top
without a hint of a view, but we were determined to wait for the view. After 30
minutes of cold and patience, the cloud lifted and we were served a view.

Have you ever been scared on a trip? What did you learn from it?

We are seldom caught by fear on our trips, which
are generally in nice conditions and surroundings. But when we have felt fear,
of bigger or smaller things, we have learned that it often tells us and gives
us the opportunity to challenge ourselves. The fear of doing something new, of
pushing yourself a little extra, can quickly result in an increased sense of

How important is gallow humour?

The art of seeing the light and keeping the mood up under difficult or challenging situations is always important. We always try to see the good in the bad and focus on fun, even when everything feels like it’s going in the
opposite direction. It is of course on the hills that things move upwards?

Who is the boss? You or nature?

Nature will always be the boss. As powerful and unpredictable as it can be, there is nothing else you can do but play as a team. So we have a good relationship with the boss ;)

What is best about being out in nature?

Relaxation, freedom and fresh air. This means so much. At the same time that we get inspired to be creative.

Do you think about the environment when you're in nature?

As much as we travel in nature, we get an extra special bond with the environment and nature. Seeing rubbish left behind, even in the nicest places - it's frustrating. We all have a responsibility and we always try to talk about it on our channels. There is always an extra bag in the backpack for picking up rubbish we pass by on our way.

What's your motto?

Nothing comes by itself. If you want something, you have to create the opportunity - don't just wait for it.

What are your ambitions for the coming years?

we have many ambitions and we envision new travel opportunities both at home and abroad in the coming years. After many good and idyllic trips in Norway in the last two years, we are looking forward to finding equally magical places abroad. Europe first, but we will also see where the road takes us!

We have to ask: why did you choose ALFA?

ALFA has been with us on trips all year and since Elias studied outdoor life, ALFA shoes have been a faithful companion on our trips during all seasons. When the opportunity presented itself, this was in many ways a dream come true. We know exactly what ALFA shoes offer us - we want more people to know about that!

What are your favorite ALFA shoes?

The A/P/S GTX series has always been with us on trips in the past and has been a big favorite for most of our activities! In winter, the Outback A/P/S 2.0 GTX has saved us on long cold days. As new ALFA ambassadors, we are sure that new favorites will soon arrive - there is a lot to test out here!